Now that the Supreme Court has
completed hearing arguments on the Affordable Health Care Act, I'm
hoping for a 2 to 3 month reprieve from all the online carping about
9 unelected officials deciding the fate of the health of millions of
Americans. Don't blame the Court for doing its job, or the founders
for adopting a system of checks and balances. Rather, place the blame
equally with the two parties responsible for writing a horrible law
to achieve a noble, yet misguided, goal: an obstructionist, “our
way or no way” Republican party, and an absolutely spineless,
passive-aggressive Chief Executive.
While the large number of uninsured
Americans is problematic, insurance coverage in and of itself is not
the root problem. When a 5 minute visit to the surgeon's office to
have an abscess drained costs over $1000 out-of-pocket, after
insurance pays the doctor, the problem is cost itself. Adding
more people to the ranks of the insured will help, but it fails to
address the real issue. Yes, part of the problem is that the insured
ultimately pay for the care of the uninsured. The real factors
driving massive cost increases are malpractice litigation and lack of
competition on prescription drugs.
When I was growing up, a physician was
the top of the socioeconomic food chain. Everyone aspired to be a
doctor, and every mother aspired to have her daughter marry a doctor.
Now, doctors are abandoning their practices due to outrageous
malpractice insurance premiums. You can thank trial lawyers and their
friends in Congress and the White House for that. We are also at a
stage where seniors often face choosing between buying food or buying
medication because they can't afford both. You can thank the FDA and
big pharma lobbyists for that.
It should come as no surprise that
President Obama's legislation ignored these issues. It is true that
the legislation would have passed constitutional muster and never
reached the Supreme Court if it had been written as a tax. Yes, the
GOP would have raised a fuss over anything remotely resembling a tax.
That's when an executive should act like an executive, use the bully
pulpit and take the case to the people. Our feckless leader prefers
to play passive-aggressive, let Congress take the initiative and
control the dialogue, then play woe-is-me.
Why does no one in Washington have the
cojones to identify publicly and then address the problem? Simple:
trial lawyers and big pharma companies are huge contributors to BOTH
parties. Since 2008, pharma money has been split evenly between both
parties. Trial lawyers contribute heavily to both sides, with an
advantage going to Democrats. When our President and Congresspeople
are consumed by greed and self-interest, you get the Affordable
Health Care Act instead of a real solution to the real problem. Stop
whining about the Supreme Court and address your outrage where it
belongs, and do so in November.
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